Begins the era of telepresence Room2Room of Microsoft
Nothing compares to being able to speak with someone face to face, but a group of researchers is evaluating whether the projection of a full-scale person sitting in a chair in front of true user could approach.
The Room2Room Microsoft Research project does just that: it uses Kinect depth-sensing cameras and digital projectors to capture the image of a person in a room and 3D version of that project a full-scale image in real time on a furniture another room where someone is physically located, and vice versa. Each user would front a digital image of the other person with the right perspective, and could interact with it, according to researchers.
Work on the project will be presented at the conference Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing to be held in San Francisco (USA) in late February.
Augmented reality (AR), which is to combine digital images with real life, has existed for years, but the technology has only recently begun to take off. Microsoft is one of the companies trying to popularize HoloLens RA with his helmet, which is designed to be a tool for work and leisure. And the stealthy start-up of Florida (USA) Magic Leap also working on a device worn on the head and having a similarPara aim to get Room2Room work, the researchers took advantage of an existing augmented reality project of Microsoft Research called RoomAlive, which uses Kinect cameras with depth sensors and digital projectors to create a scenario for RA scale video game room. Instead of equipping one room with this hardware, however, they rode two rooms similar to scan the occupant of each room and project its image into the other room.
A video was shown shows how it looks, with a man sitting in a chair while another man is projected onto an empty chair placed before the first (Room2Room placed the projected image of a person to an open space, like a chair if the subject sitting).
To get an idea of the effectiveness of communicating this way, seven pairs of volunteers were guided each other to build three-dimensional structures with blocks through augmented reality. A volunteer sat at a table in a room with blocks, while his partner sat in another room and bada instructions for building a concrete structure. Each person was projected into the room from your partner so they could work together.
Researchers descubriron that couples who were in the same room, face to face, it took four minutes to build the structure. This rose to seven minutes for users that performed by the RA system, and even nine minutes for the constuyeron by Skpye video chat.
There are still many problems to be solved before anything like Room2Room appear in the boardrooms or classrooms. While the hardware of projection and depth sensors are widely available, it takes up much space and can be tricky to install and configure. The resolution of images is not very high, says Tomislav Pejsa, who worked in Room2Room during his fellowship at Microsoft Research, is the fellow and lead author. Low resolution causes can be difficult to know where the look of a person projected targets.
RA expert at the University of California in Santa Barbara (USA) Höllerer Tobias believes that the resolution could be improved easily, and believe we will begin to use similar systems to Room2Room in the coming years. In his view, the growing popularity of virtual reality, driven by the upcoming release of some helmets targeting consumers by companies such as Oculus, could help advance this type of augmented reality technology.
Höllerer sentence: "If you think it took about 50 or 60 years to progress from the first demonstrations of video telephony far we've come up with Skype and everything else." He concludes: "This is the beginning of a more immersive teleconferencing capabilities."
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